촌수 계산법 이것만 알면 정리 끝

촌수 계산법 이것만 알면 정리 끝 촌수 계산법 이것만 알면 정리 끝

출처:https://got-it0918.tistory.com/62 출처:https://got-it0918.tistory.com/62


출처:https://www.rd.com/article/second-cousin-once-removed/ 출처:https://www.rd.com/article/second-cousin-once-removed/

I have to be the basis for the calculation of the scale. I have to be the basis for the calculation of the scale.

If you look at my family based on me, the parents who gave birth to me are called 1 village, and grandpa and grandma are called 2 villages. And the children I gave birth to become first-class, and my grandchildren and grandchildren are calculated as second-class. And many people think that my brotherhood or brotherhood or sisterhood is the first degree, but this is a miscalculation and my brother can be the second degree. If you look at my family based on me, the parents who gave birth to me are called 1 village, and grandpa and grandma are called 2 villages. And the children I gave birth to become first-class, and my grandchildren and grandchildren are calculated as second-class. And many people think that my brotherhood or brotherhood or sisterhood is the first degree, but this is a miscalculation and my brother can be the second degree.

출처:https://tfifamily.org/4-effortless-ways-to-make-family-visits-go-well/ 출처:https://tfifamily.org/4-effortless-ways-to-make-family-visits-go-well/

Even if you calculate in more detail, your parents are in the first degree relationship based on me, so you can calculate how many degrees your grandfather’s brothers and grandchildren are in. For example, I would like to calculate how close I am to my grandfather based on his grandchildren. My grandfather and my parents are next to each other, so I can say that they are second-class, but my grandfather’s brothers go from my grandfather to my parents and go to my grandfather’s brother’s brother’s brother’s brother’s brother’s brother’s brother. Even if you calculate in more detail, your parents are in the first degree relationship based on me, so you can calculate how many degrees your grandfather’s brothers and grandchildren are in. For example, I would like to calculate how close I am to my grandfather based on his grandchildren. My grandfather and my parents are next to each other, so I can say that they are second-class, but my grandfather’s brothers go from my grandfather to my parents and go to my grandfather’s brother’s brother’s brother’s brother’s brother’s brother’s brother.

출처:https://www.lovetoknow.com/life/relationships/what-are-first-second-cousins 출처:https://www.lovetoknow.com/life/relationships/what-are-first-second-cousins

To put it a little bit more simply, I and my father are first, I and my grandfather are second, my great-grandfather is third, my grandfather’s brother is fourth, my grandfather’s brother’s son is fifth, and my grandfather’s brother’s son is sixth. It looks difficult and complicated, but if you think about it carefully, there is a principle, so it is easy to calculate that the number of steps increases depending on how many times you jump based on yourself. To put it a little bit more simply, I and my father are first, I and my grandfather are second, my great-grandfather is third, my grandfather’s brother is fourth, my grandfather’s brother’s son is fifth, and my grandfather’s brother’s son is sixth. It looks difficult and complicated, but if you think about it carefully, there is a principle, so it is easy to calculate that the number of steps increases depending on how many times you jump based on yourself.

출처:https://past-presence.com/2017/11/14/the-child-of-my-cousin-is-my-what/ 출처:https://past-presence.com/2017/11/14/the-child-of-my-cousin-is-my-what/

Let me give you another example. This time, I’d like to give you a simple example. I think everyone has a cousin My cousin has a fourth degree relationship with me. Then, if you look at how the fourth degree of kinship is established, based on me, my mother becomes second degree, my mother’s younger brother is my uncle, so my uncle’s son becomes third degree, and my uncle’s son becomes fourth degree. If you organize it, the number of villages is determined by how many times you skip based on yourself, and if you calculate that the number of villages increases by one every time you skip, it will be easy to understand. Let me give you another example. This time, I’d like to give you a simple example. I think everyone has a cousin My cousin has a fourth degree relationship with me. Then, if you look at how the fourth degree of kinship is established, based on me, my mother becomes second degree, my mother’s younger brother is my uncle, so my uncle’s son becomes third degree, and my uncle’s son becomes fourth degree. If you organize it, the number of villages is determined by how many times you skip based on yourself, and if you calculate that the number of villages increases by one every time you skip, it will be easy to understand.

출처:https://www.lovetoknow.com/life/relationships/what-are-first-second-cousins 출처:https://www.lovetoknow.com/life/relationships/what-are-first-second-cousins

I’ll tell you how to call it often. I’ll tell you how to call it often.

If you understand how to calculate the number of measurements, the next name is the name of measurements. Grandfather, grandmother, uncle, and aunt all know, but if you go deeper, you can organize the names as follows. Based on the parents’ siblings, the father’s brother becomes an uncle, the younger brother becomes an uncle, and the younger sister or sister is called an aunt. Based on the mother’s standards, the mother’s younger sister and older sister become an aunt, and the mother’s younger brother and older brother are called maternal uncles. And my aunt, aunt, and uncle’s children on my mother’s side become nephews to me. If you know the name according to the number of villages like this, you can’t miss the name when there is a holiday or family gathering. If you understand how to calculate the number of measurements, the next name is the name of measurements. Grandfather, grandmother, uncle, and aunt all know, but if you go deeper, you can organize the names as follows. Based on the parents’ siblings, the father’s brother becomes an uncle, the younger brother becomes an uncle, and the younger sister or sister is called an aunt. Based on the mother’s standards, the mother’s younger sister and older sister become an aunt, and the mother’s younger brother and older brother are called maternal uncles. And my aunt, aunt, and uncle’s children on my mother’s side become nephews to me. If you know the name according to the number of villages like this, you can’t miss the name when there is a holiday or family gathering.

출처:https://www.theodysseyonline.com/best-things-about-having-close-family 출처:https://www.theodysseyonline.com/best-things-about-having-close-family

So today, I’ve talked about how to calculate the dimensions and how to call them, but if there’s a family gathering next time, it’s good to think about how many dimensions you’re going to call me and how to call them. So today, I’ve talked about how to calculate the dimensions and how to call them, but if there’s a family gathering next time, it’s good to think about how many dimensions you’re going to call me and how to call them.

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