엑셀 가계부 양식 무료 나눔 (To 북극성주TV 구독자 및 북극성 카페)

As I’ve said repeatedly in interviews, the Excel household book serves as a statement of financial position for households as well as controlling consumption, which is a really important tool to help them identify cash flows and set limits on leverage.DEAR ABBY: When I first started writing my diary in 2016, my husband and I decided to save 3.5 million won a month. I had promised to save 3 to 3.5 million won, but now I have more than 5 times the amount… I think the secret is that I have been writing my own diary and dreaming about the future of economic freedom. We are giving out these books for free.In the case of my husband and I, when we settled the account book, we saved 1992 billion won a year as of 22 years, which is about 200 million won; (200 million is an aggro ^^;;) But my husband and I didn’t have this much savings in the first place.Then I’ll cut it down 🙂 I wish you all a happy rich man and I sincerely hope that all your investments will be successful ^^In fact, Excel accounting can be a little inconvenient and difficult. So, if you set the function to suit you at first, I’ve put a description on the first sheet so that anyone can easily use a customized household account. So if you set it up, the card company will scratch and paste only the usage history, and it will be automatically calculated by entering the division.Attached file Retirement Laboratory Household Book (Polaris).xlsx Download file Save computer in fileFinancial goals for 2016If the total amount of card and cash used matches the actual amount of expenditure, it is marked as TURE so that it can be calculated. When I settled the 22-year household account book, I saved 200 million won a yearSave to Naver MYBOXAs promised on the channel, household accounts will be distributed free of charge to Arctic Star TV viewers and Arctic Star cafes. How to get it for free ① Adding neighbors to the retirement institute ② Downloading (below) ③ If you write “Apply,” in a secret comment, “I’m applying,” the off-duty number is over!I’m not rich yet. I’m just walking silently down that road, and the only thing I’ve ever felt is that there’s a difference between what you know superficially and what you’ve learned from your own experience, from books and YouTube. I’m sure you’ll see what it means when you do a little bit of registration, and as you continue to invest, as you experience it. The Dictionary of Wealth Knowledge Money, real estate, stocks, taxes, income pipes have been pressed down on five things, so you might want to buy one.Knowledge Dictionary of Wealth | Retirement Research Center – Kyobo Bookstore’s Knowledge Dictionary | Five Keywords that determine economic freedom – From the attributes of money to land, stocks, taxes, and income pipelines, Naver’s “Blog of the Month” for 2023! 30 million cumulative visitors The “retirement research center” will be……product.kyobobook.co.krAnd it’s supposed to tell if you used cash or card,Last Monday, I had an interview on the North Pole Star TV YouTube channel to promote “The Knowledge Dictionary of Wealth 🙂 Actually, I was not sure if I could appear on a channel with prominent people, not a real estate expert, not a full-time investor, but rather, I appeared with the idea that I could tell you a realistic story as a person standing on the path for economic freedom from the perspective of the general public.Below are the actual review reviews from Kyobo Bookstore. I brought some as samples ^^Simple, right? The Excel file (household register) above has a password. If you add your neighbor to the retirement lab blog and leave a comment, “I’m applying,” I’ll give you the password. ^^

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